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Good Bedroom Size

Good Bedroom Size

There is some Standard Room Size in a house for the various elements of a residential building. Any House has basic rooms like the living room or drawing room, bedroom, kitchen room, bath, W/C, garage, etc. While Planning the residential building we must consider standard room sizes for the various rooms in the house.

Let, discuss somewhat are room standard sizes and standard house dimensions in meters & feet's,

The Standard Room Size In a House & Their Location

Following are some standard sizes rooms size in India

1. Standard Room Sizes of Living Room, Drawing Room, Dining Room, Study Room

Following are the standard size of the room in feet,

Minimum room size Area: 9.5 Sq.m.

The standard living room (hall) size is 9 feet x 10 feet

The standard size of drawing room is 10 x 10 feet

Minimum Size of Side :
i) For one Room minimum width should be 2.4 m.
ii) Where there are two rooms, one of these shall not be less than 9.5 sq. m. and others not less than 7.5 sq. m. with a minimum width of 2.1m.

The height of Room: The of all rooms for human habitation shall not be less than 2.75 m. measure from the surface of all floors.

Other Requirement: For Air Conditioning-room height should not less than 2.4 m.

The recommended Standard Room Size & Location for the living room of various sizes are as below:

The Standard Room Size & Location in Residential Building
standard room size in meters
LARGE 6.71 × 8.53(57.24) 22 × 28(616)
MEDIUM 4.88 × 6.01(29.33) 16 × 20(320)
SMALL 3.66 × 5.49(20 12 x 18(216)
VERY SMALL 3.05 × 3.66(11.16) 10 × 12(120)

Standard Size of Bedroom

The standard dimension of a bedroom is as follows,

Room Size Dimensions (ft) Dimensions (mt.)
Minimum Size Bedroom 9 ft x 9 ft 2.74 m x 2.74 m
Medium Size Bedroom 12 ft x 12 ft 3.65 m x 3.65 m
Large Size Bedroom 16 ft x 18 ft 4.87 x 5.48 m

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2. Standard Room Size of Kitchen

Minimum Area: 5 Sq.m.

Minimum Size of Side: The width of the room is not less than 1.8 m. Where there is a separate store, the area of the kitchen may be reduced to 4.5 sq. m. A kitchen that is intended to use as dining also shall have a floor area of not less than 7.5 sq. m. with a minimum width of 2.1m.

The height of Room:The Kitchen height shall not be less than2.75 sq. m.

Other Requirement

  1. Its floor should be impermeable.
  2. Unless separately provided in a pantry, means for washing of kitchen utensils which shall lead directly or through the sink to a grated and trapped connection to the waste pipe.

The recommended Standard Room Sizing & Location for the kitchen of various sizes are as below,

LARGE 3.65 x 6.09(22.23) 12 x 20(240)
MEDIUM 3.05 x 4.87(14.85) 10 x 16(160)
SMALL 3.05 X 2.44(6.10) 10 x 08(80)
VERY SMALL 2.13 X 2.75(5.85) 07 x 09(63)

3. Standard Room Dimensions of Bath Room and Water Closet

Minimum Area: 1.8 Sq.m. (bathroom), 1.1 Sq.m. (W. C.)

Minimum Size of SideIf the bath and water closet are combined, its floor area shall not be less than 2.8 Sq.m. with a minimum side width of 1.2m.

The height of the Room: Shall not less than 2 m.

Other Requirement:

  1. It should be located such that at least one of its walls open to the external wall.
  2. It should not be directly over or under any other room than another latrine, washing place, bath or terrace, in case of multi-storeyed buildings unless the floor is watertight.
  3. It should have a platform or seat of watertight, non-absorbent materials.
  4. It should be provided with the impervious floor sloping towards the drain with a suitable grade and not towards verandah or any other room.

The recommended standard room size of common bathroom of various sizes are,

LARGE 2.13 × 3.66(7.80) 7 x 12(84)
MEDIUM 1.83 × 3.05(5.60) 6 x 10(60)
SMALL 1.52 × 2.75(4.20) 5 x 9(45)
VERY SMALL 1.06 × 1.98(2.04) 3.5 x 6.5(22.75)
Standard Room Size

4. Standard Room Size for Store Room

Minimum Area:The minimum area of the storeroom should not be less than 3 sq. m.

The height of Room: The Storeroom should not be less than 2.2 m.

The recommended standard room size of the storeroom of various sizes are as below,

LARGE 3.65 x 4.26(15.55) 12 x 14(168)
MEDIUM 2.44 x 3.05(7.42) 8 x 10(80)
SMALL 1.52X1.83 (2.80) 5 x 6(30)

The standard size of rooms in residential building pdf

5. Standard Room Size for Garage

Minimum Area:The minimum area of the garage should not be less than 12.5  sq. m.

The height of the Room: The Garage should not be less than 2.4 m.

6. Standard Room Size In Feet for Staircase Room

The Standard Room Size & Location in Residential Building

Minimum Size of Side:The minimum width of the stair is 1 m.

The height of the Stair:The minimum clear headroom shall be2.2 m.

Other Requirement:

  1. The minimum width of tread without nosing shall be 250 mm for residential buildings.
  2. The maximum height of rising shall be 190 mm for residential buildings.

7. Standard Plinth Height

The height of the plinth shall not be less than 450 mm from the surrounding ground level. A height of 600 mm is the best from drainage or other considerations.

Read More: Standard Ceiling Height | Ceiling Height | Average Ceiling Height

8. Standard Parapet Wall Size

Parapet walls and hand-rails provided on the edges of roof terraces, balconies, verandah, etc. shall be not less than 1.05 m and not more than 1.20 m in height from the finished floor level.

9. Standard Boundary Wall Size

The requirements of the boundary wall are given below,

Except with the special permission of the authority, the maximum height of the compound wall shall be 1.5 m above the centerline of the front street. Compound wall up to 2.4 m height may be permitted if the top 0.9 m is of open type construction of a design to be approved by the authority.

In the case of a corner plot, the height of the boundary wall shall be restricted to 0.75 m for a length of 10 m on the front and side of the intersection and the balanced height may be made up of open type construction (through railings) and of design to be approved by the authority.

1. Area Limitation

The limitation of the area and height of the buildings of different types of construction and occupancy is achieved by satisfying the floor area ratio (FAR). FAR is  taking into account the following aspects,

  • Occupancy class
  • Type of construction
  • Width of the street fronting the building and the traffic load
  • The density & Locality where the building is proposed and.
  • Parking facilities
  • Fire Resistant Materials Used in Construction
  • Water supply and drainage facilities.

Floor Area Ratio(FAR) = (Total cover area of all floors/  Plot area)

The floor area ratio for residential buildings is ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 depending on the type 'of construction. It restricts the height of the building and the number of stories provided. For example, if a plot measures 15 m x 20 m and building bye-laws stipulate permissible FAR as 2.00, then the maximum built-up area which can be put on the plot is 600 m2. If the area covered on the ground floor is 150 m2, the total number of floors that can be constructed is (600 / 150) = 4

Thus, with these bye-laws , the height of the building cannot be more than 4 stories. FAR is also used in classifying the type of construction on the basis of resistance offered by building against the fire

Read More: Floor Space Index Calculator

2. Height of the Building

The height and number of storey for a building are related to FAR and the provisions of open spaces are already explained earlier. Where the building height is not covered by FAR, the maximum height should be limited to the width of the street as follows.

(i) The maximum height of the building shall not exceed 2 times the width of the road abutting plus the front open space.

(ii) If a building abuts on two or more streets of different widths, the building shall be deemed to face upon the street that has the greater width and the building height shall be regulated by the width of that street and may be continued to this height to a depth of 24 m along the narrower street subject to the conformity of open spaces.

(iii) In the vicinity of aerodromes, the maximum height is fixed in consultation with civil aviation authorities.

Appurtenances like a water tank on the roof, ventilating and air conditioning appliances, lift room, chimneys, and parapet walls not exceeding 1.2 m in height are not included in the height of the building.

Watch Video: Standard Size of Room


What is the average size of rooms in India?

Considering each component of the building it has its own standard size. However, it is standardized for living rooms to have a size min. of 330 sq feet or 30m2.

What is a good size for the master bedroom?

Master Bedroom is generally considered to be well spaced if each side of the room is at least 15 feet. However, the size is decided as per the need of homeowners.

What is the size of a standard room in Nigeria?

The standard room size or the average room size in Nigeria is between 4.2 m2 to 4.5m2 . However bigger houses up to 7.2m2 can also be found, belonging to financially rich citizens of Nigeria.

What is the best size for a living room?

7 x 10 sq feet
For the living room to be adequate with respect to the size 7 by 10 is the sufficient area. Furniture can be well adjusted and open space will be sufficient within this area. One can also provide an extra 3 to 4 feet area for circulation. However, the mentioned size is enough for a good living room.

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Good Bedroom Size

Source: https://civiconcepts.com/blog/standard-room-size

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